We do not monitor user content. However, we have automated content filters and usage tracking to flag unusual activity.
If it comes to our attention that your use of our services and Bertha AI results in inappropriate content – for example: Pornographic content, false news, disinformation or political nature. We reserve the right to terminate your account with immediate effect.
Bertha AI respects a fair use policy and should we feel that the system is being abused by you or your users. We will connect with you to find a remedy. If a remedy cannot be found. We reserve the right to terminate your account and access to our products.
This includes but is not limited to enforcing a usage limit even on the plans that mention unlimited usage.
This is to comply with the AI’s terms of use and to ensure that the tool is used by humans and is not automated to create an unproportionate amount of words per month.
Automating the use of the tool using bots or other methods is strictly prohibited.
In addition to:
Users, by use of Bertha AI image/text Generation service, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Bertha AI Inc., against any and all claims, demands, charges, complaints, controversies, and causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, both at law and in equity, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected (from now on “Claims”), arising out of and relating in any way to intellectual property infringement claims made against Bertha AI Inc., concerning your Content if such Claims inure to your benefit in any way and also to hold harmless and indemnify Bertha AI Inc., against all Claims relating in any way to your use of Bertha AI image Generation. This indemnity includes reimbursement to Bertha AI Inc., for any applicable court costs and expenses of litigation, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, and reimbursement for any losses and liabilities of Bertha AI Inc., including but not limited to, judgments, settlements, fees, costs, expenses, legal debts, legal obligations, and any third-party Claims against Bertha AI Inc.
Bertha AI Inc. makes no warranties or representations concerning user Content and is not responsible for unauthorised use. Users are responsible for using Bertha AI image/text Generation service, only as authorised and in compliance with applicable laws of the jurisdictions in which such users are domiciled, reside, or are located at the time of such use. Users who observe unauthorised or illegal use of Bertha AI image/text Generation service, are encouraged to report such conduct immediately to Bertha AI inc., via our support form.
Choice of Law: Should any dispute arise under these Terms of Use, the access or use of Bertha AI inc., Chrome Extension, Web App, WordPress plugin and API, etc, the law of the United States in all respects shall govern, without regard for the jurisdiction or forum in which the user is domiciled, resides, or located at the time of such access/use.
By using the service as described you understand all work with Bertha AI image/text Generation service, is public domain” indicates the user is of legal age to contract in the user’s jurisdiction and indicates the user’s fully informed acknowledgement, understanding, and agreement to the entirety of these Terms of Use and anything incorporated herein by reference. Use of Bertha AI image/text Generation service without the user’s acceptance of these Terms of Use and all incorporated provisions constitutes unauthorised use for which the user disclaims any/all potential or actual right to relief against Bertha AI Inc., regardless of the legal jurisdiction of Bertha AI Inc. or the user’s domicile, residence, or location.
The service may be withdrawn at any time at our discretion. All abuse of our systems will render your account deleted without prior discussion and no refund will be issued.
Bertha.ai offers a remarkable feature that allows you to effortlessly generate alternative text for images on the go. Our cutting-edge AI technology has been extensively trained on vast amounts of content to assist you in creating high-quality content for your WordPress site.
With our user-friendly interface, crafting various types of content such as articles, blog posts, web pages, sales copy, and landing pages becomes a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or new to content creation, Bertha.ai is here to streamline the process and help you enhance your website’s content effortlessly.
Affiliate Disclosure:
Please note that some of the links on this website are or maybe, affiliate links.
This means that we may earn a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase from the affiliate partner and means you will pay no more than the advertised price.
We only recommend products or services that we believe will add value to our audience.
The decision to purchase any product or service is completely up to you and your discretion. Thank you for supporting us and our efforts to provide valuable content to you
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Bertha is excited to start and to become your helper in generating quality content for your WordPress website.
Enter your email to download Bertha’s plugin for FREE
The use of disposable email addresses is considered abusing our systems and will result in account deletion on discovery.